Penis Patches

Penis Enlargement Patches

Penis enlargement patches are using the popular technology of administering medicines and supplements via transdermal technology. Transdermal means that the product gets absorbed through the skin, meaning no side effects on the digestive system and no reduction in potency/effectiveness.

Most patches use a time-released delivery (like the popular nicotine patches) so that the product stays in your bloodstream longer. This means that the effectiveness of the supplement is maximized. You simply wear the patch underneath your clothes and go about your day as usual!

Male enhancement products have taken this technology and run with it, making it one of the most convenient ways to add serious size to your penis and increase your performance in the bedroom.


  • No prescription needed
  • Easy to conceal throughout the day
  • Harder erections
  • Penis size increase
  • Confidence increased
  • Serious results!

Years of development have gone into these patches and what is currently hitting the market is AMAZING. We simply did not have this technology before!

Patches mean that you will have more of the supplement in your blood for longer–meaning serious gains!

Patches we recommend:

  • ProEnhance Patch
  • Maxiderm Patch

Read our penis enhancement patches review!